Saturday, September 21, 2024

In the Garden

solar wavelengths in the garden ~

The prismatic future/present calls artists to fully embody this era. 
We are IN it.

How will we embed in the hyperspace of earth and protect the biosphere? 
What ideas can we generate across digital and multimedia realities to activate a new future? 
What is our collective role in this entangled moment?

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Send Out Signal

in the garden🔆

oil pastel, paper cutouts, elemental copper wire, 
remixed video layers, touchscreen 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Book Project

A current art book project in process with Timothy Morton and Treena Balds 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020




Tangible JOY

It was beautiful to see 1985poet's "I Wish for Freedom" art project take root in the community. 

An alchemy of the heart. 

Monique Lorden and I collaborated to create a space for her vision on The Greenway. 
Community gardens bloomed in time with a custom made shotgun mobile library.
We curated an event for the children during the difficult pandemic year, 
and a local news station shared the story.

Thank you to a network of community partners who activated this project:

Monique Lorden (1985poet)
Lafitte Greenway
Nola Library
Enterprise Community Partners
Sojourner Truth Neighborhood Center
S.O.U.L Nola

Friday, May 1, 2020


watercolor + ink visualization 

Greenway REdesign  

A collaboration for the Greenway Arts Activation 〰️

〰️An abandoned parking lot became an innovative space for public art exhibitions, community events, and ecological regeneration. Our team of designers, artists, volunteers, and urban architects created the plaza space led by Urbanscapes Design + Build in New Orleans. The exhibition opened in December of 2020 after an intensive and resilient design process.  The new passage on the transportive 2.6 mile Greenway will bridge community together across space, and support <eco>systems. This vital portal for public art, bioswales, native plants, and a new Crescent city farmers market, will map futurescape groundwork.

merges with the Greenway ⏫

Activated through modes of transformation and reconnection, artists created light-based pieces that traverse interfaces of technology, color, and multidimensionality in our shape-shifting world.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


You are warmly invited to the virtual exhibition entitled REgenerate. This multidimensional space offers an immersive landscape to remix and reimagine. The purpose of the platform is to experiment, adapt, and regenerate ideas about who we are and where we are going from here. A grounding invitation to pause and look at art like we really mean it. Decelerations. Down to Earth.

REgenerate is an art salon for radical work that engages the urgent ecological moment. The climate/health emergency, equality, and environmental justice are a few of the intersectional issues. In this unprecedented time, the exhibition will translate through a virtual greenhouse space. Artists, designers, philosophers, poets, dreamers, have the opportunity to re-envision the world. What should it look like when we emerge? This momentum will be a bridge to 2020 exhibition possibilities utilizing the thriving New Orleans Greenway, and we will continue to merge in this direction.

The digital portal of REgenerate is physically connected by wires, energies, and codes through spaces in-between—nonhuman and human elements. These are very real and politically charged conduits. One intention of the project is to interrogate what these network spaces are, how to utilize them in a grounding way, and where the juncture of analog and digital transmissions exists. What occurs when virtual effects enmesh a physical ground? What perceptions shift, and what flickering occurs while we walk the wires? Where does the body inhabit this ecosystem? How does this intersect privacy, AI, surveillance, and flows of information? Can these collective #landscapes spark activism? What is the mode of ART here?

Curated artworks have been selected to launch REgenerate, and artists are invited to submit work for consideration. The digital @REgenerate_space portion of this exhibit allows freedom to experiment! The work can be cross-disciplinary, and artists are encouraged to create responsive pieces to a rapidly shifting world. The hope is to generate ideas, and continue to expand these revivified ecosystems and landscapes across space. A collective visual poem.

~ co-creator 
Lara Schaberg 

Friday, February 14, 2020


ink, watercolor, tempera on cold press paper 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Greenhouse

paint, seeds, electrical wire, elemental copper, found glass, paper cutouts 

Greenhouse interface of ideas 🌿

A current multimedia solarium series in process

Monday, August 5, 2019




hand-painted sculpture 

Monday, December 3, 2018

Into the Forest

into the forest on the edge of light 
12 x 12" on cold press paper
watercolor and ink
12 x 12" on cold press paper
watercolor and ink
walking further into the forest
12 x 12" on cold press paper 
watercolor and ink
12 x 12" on cold press paper
watercolor and ink
12 x 12" on cold press paper
watercolor and ink 

A series of paintings with the forest as muse and studio. A piece was included in a 10th Anniversary Show and Live Auction at The Front

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

After the Edge

kozo paper

After the Edge /
images from the Electric Palm live scroll painting /// 
ink, oil stick, watercolor, and wire on paper // dimensions variable

an improvisational piece created live at Duncan Plaza for 
2018 art + culture pop-up event 

The community exhibition celebrated 300 years of the culture of New Orleans,
and sparked a transformation for the abandoned park

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Orchard Search

A Google search image of my multimedia work
layers of digital photography and video

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Walking through the Anthropocene

video still

Sunday, January 7, 2018


oil on 30 x 40" canvas

  I spent the year creating art on the edge of an abandoned cherry orchard. The landscape inspired paintings and mixed media work in a variety of sizes, including the series, Orchard. The painting above was chosen to be part of the exhibition Spark. The show was sponsored by the Northport Art Association and Nathan Scherrer (Freenjoy), the producer who received a 2017 Grammy award for Beyoncé's Formation video.