
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Scroll Opening

Mythologies of Touch
graphite coding + watercolor on 30" x 180" paper

"Our intention is to introduce new work to an interested audience in an atmosphere at least partly inspired by the Sunday salons of Louise Bourgeois. We like solo shows. We value empty wall space; it honors the work. We are interested to see what chaos follows the rapid installation/deinstallation and we are challenging ourselves to look at art like we mean it." —from the invitation by curators 

Emily Farranto, Kathy Rodriguez, Natalie Sciortino-Rinehart

It was a delight to show my work in this setting at The Art Salon. The decelerated space allowed visitors to engage the work in a meaningful, focused way. Many conversations bloomed about the two ecotones in tension: computer code and cattail wetland. I appreciated the range of visual artists, philosophers, urban planners, musicians, and writers walking slowly through the paper landscape.