
Tuesday, January 17, 2017


A series of paintings, drawings, videos, & digital photography, as well as one live paper and touchscreen handscroll; a multimedia exhibition. I translated this unfolding vision through the Orchard, a complex space that has a long tradition in artistic, political, agricultural, and mythological landscapes. 

The live digital handscroll, Orchardwas created in an abandoned industrial cherry orchard in 2016. I was able to create art in it for a year before it was unexpectedly cut down. This is an anthropocenic topography etched with the remains of industrial farming, climate change, and inequality from labor, as well as potential for new modes of ecological engagement. It is an intersectional site where issues of equality, environmental justice, women's rights, technology, nature, and culture converge. The piece was created during the time of political trauma in 2016, echoing a state of unrest in the cultural and digital landscape. A world where virtual effects enmesh and glitch within a physical ground, became the backdrop for the series. The handscroll materials include cherry juice and branch, copper electrical wire, grasses, carmine ink, oil paint, watercolor, block print ink, and graphite on 30" x 144” cold press paper. The touchscreen and paper version is 33 squares of digital photography, pieced together in time as it was created.